Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oh Muffins

Well, this month's print week went about as smooth as sandpaper. I worked from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. yesterday, came home and c.r.a.s.h.e.d. So this morning, I decided to pacify my still-angry self with some baking therapy.

(Note: Just so I don't one day return to this post, look at this photo, and then decide that this was the moment I fell off the wagon, allow me to point out that I did not eat five muffins. I ate two; my boyfriend ate three. Because let me tell you, if I ever do fall off the wagon, it won't be over muffins. Heck no. It will be a Great Wall of Chocolate from P.F. Chang's, with raspberry sauce drizzled all over it, and my boyfriend will come home to find me passed out on the couch from chocolatoxification, fork still in hand.)

Today, all I want to do is get outside and enjoy the sunshine, maybe go window shopping in Old Town and read a book by the fountain near the Scottsdale Waterfront. I'm thinking that this weekend will be all about refueling on a little peace and quiet...

Photo by Sway Sovay

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