Saturday, February 14, 2009

If You Pay Close Attention You'll Notice I Have Avoided Doing Any Real, Actual Work

This month I'm writing two articles for our magazine, and each will appear in a different city's publication. The first is an eco-friendly beauty products piece for the "green" issue that we publish every April, and it's going in one of our California magazines.

So far I am loving this first assignment, because all I have to do is call up companies and ask them for free samples and press releases. Then I write up two or three short sentences describing the products' benefits and ta da!, I am done. So easy. Not to mention all the fun, free swag I'll receive by the end of the month. I may have to beg my editor to let me do one of these every month from now on ...

The second article is about the West of Western culinary festival which will be taking place here in Phoenix next month at the Phoenix Art Museum. Have not really started this one yet, but it's due like, yesterday, so pray for me. (In my defense, my editor assigned it to me late, so I won't feel guilty about taking some time with this one. I'm operating according to the concept of quality over speed this time around.)

Things I have done instead of writing the culinary festival article...

Well, I made this:

Just the one for now. Maybe by Monday morning I'll have a bonafide pair.

The pattern is "Gifted" by Kate Gilbert and the yarn is some I had left over from the Man Scarf I made for my boyfriend. Again, I'm aware that this is further proof that I am in denial about living in the middle of the desert. Or maybe just proof of a personal conviction that I will not always live in the desert? Regardless, mittens are adorable -- particularly these -- and I do intend to make another!

Also, happy Valentine's Day! (If that's your thing. If it's not, you are going to want to visit this post on and click through to the foreign site. I certainly hope you're not having THAT kind of a day.)

Photos by Sway Sovay

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