Friday, January 9, 2009

Clapotis Update -- Nearly Finished

Am getting... so close... to the... end...

This is a photo of my updated progress on the Clapotis. The good news: Hooray! -- It's nearly finished; I just have a handful more decrease rows to go. The bad news: Boo! -- The pattern goes on for-ev-er. Additionally, as a result, the thing is freakin' huge. Look at the size of it. (See my highlighter to the right of it for scale.)

The pattern does describe the finished product as a type of hybrid scarf/shawl thing, but now that I've actually knitted it, the Clapotis seems impractically large for a person my size. (I'm 5'3".) I wrapped it around my neck and felt a little like I was about to be eaten by a boa constrictor.

Also, the fact that I live in Arizona, where there are really only something like four days a year that are cold enough to warrant the wearing of a scarf/shawl, makes this even more impractical. (I'm not sure what I was thinking, except that apparently I really failed to conceptualize how big it would end up being before I began.)

Yet, having said all that, I do plan on making another one, just slightly different. The pattern includes instructions for adaptation, so my next attempt will be narrower. I really love the drape and the accordion-like folds that the ladders of dropped stitches create, making the garment feel very thick and warm. I'll probably always leave this pattern unblocked (i.e., I won't steam it flat), so as to keep that crimped effect.

Not sure what I'm going to do with this thing after it's finished. Will I have a change of heart and decide that maybe it doesn't swamp me as badly as I originally thought? Will I unravel it and use the yarn for something else? (Hell no. Ahem, I mean... Probably not.) Maybe I can stash it somewhere in my apartment until I can gift it. (Preferably to a person who I'm sure does not read this blog, and has not read this post.)

More photos of knitted goodness to come!

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