Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Rest for the Weary

I did not sleep well last night.

I was awakened at about 3:15 a.m. and not allowed to fall back asleep for almost a full hour. And now I do not know how I'm going to make it through the last day of print week (today) at the magazine.

I do know that our neighbor has a new lady friend.

And that they are persistent when it comes to showing affection toward each other.

And also that his bed is outrageously squeaky.

And also that our apartment complex's walls are apparently very thin.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Beginning the Clapotis, Etc.

I've been underground for the past week for good reasons.

1. I've been writing an article on this film, which has turned out to be a very fascinating subject matter. I wrapped up the article yesterday, though, so that is finally done and done.


2. I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding that will be taking place in Oklahoma City on December 20, so I had to fly back to Oklahoma last weekend for bridal shower and bachelorette party activities. Amazingly enough, although the bride lives in OKC, none of the bridesmaids live in Oklahoma, so pulling off the parties required major coordination on our parts, but it was absolutely worth the work.

In other news, I've been working on a knitting project for myself. I know every online knitter and her sister has already knit a Clapotis by now, but I can't help it, I want one, too, and so I'm going to follow the crowd.

This is the current state of mine -- after several dozen attempts that had to be destroyed and reworked. (I thought I understood what an SSK was, but I didn't. I also thought I understood what a KFB and a PFB was, but I didn't. Fortunately, now I finally do.)

I haven't gotten to the unraveling stages yet, but I think the colorway and dropped ladders of stitches will complement each other well.

The yarn is Patons' SWS (Soy Wool Stripes) (70% Wool, 30% Soy) in the "Geranium" color, and the pattern is very fun. (Once a person knows what she's doing, obviously...) It's repetitive enough that I can zone out for a while, but also just tricky enough that I don't get completely bored. If this one turns out well, I may consider making more Clapotises (Clapoti?) as gifts in the future.

I'll post updated photos as my work progresses.

Photo: Sway Sovay

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All Made Up

I put in another order at Alima Pure last week and look at all the goodies that arrived.

I pretty much swear by this brand of makeup. And here's why:

(Because you know how I am, and how I can can never pass up the opportunity to create a list...)

1. All the products are mineral-based and free of chemicals, so it's light and I don't feel like I have a ton of crap all over my face.

2. They have an almost overwhelming number of color choices.

3. They ship fast. (I ordered last Wednesday morning and received everything on Friday.) And even though this seems kind of silly, I thought it was cool that there was a handwritten "Thank you, Sway!" written on the receipt included with my order. They're an online shop that still tries to give customers some kind of personal touch, which I appreciate.

4. A little bit goes a looong way. I think the technical explanation is that the minerals have such a high concentration of pigment, but the point is -- a little jar of the stuff can last forever.

5. And to me, this is the best part: In addition to full-size jars of their products, they also sell smaller trial sizes for $1-$1.50 each, which is awesome, because who can really accurately determine their color of foundation via photos on the internet? Not me.

And, like I said, the stuff lasts forever, so sometimes all I really want or need is a trial size. It cuts down on a lot of wasted product. Because honestly, show me a woman who always finishes her makeup products before moving on to the next one. (I know you have that basket under the sink filled with random polishes and lipsticks and old eyeliners and blushes. Don't pretend like you don't. We all do.)

So the photo above is of 10 samples I ordered. Grand total = $12 + shipping = $16. The three packets came complimentary and are two eyeshadows and a finishing powder. My summer tan is gone now, so I need a lighter foundation color, plus I wanted some darker blushes and eye shadows for fall and winter. And even though they're small, these samples will probably get me through the end of the year.

Very awesome.

Photo: Sway Sovay

Monday, November 10, 2008

Scottsdale Fashion Week '08: Saturday Night

On Saturday I took one of my gal friends to the SFW Marciano fashion show at 3 p.m. She was dressed so cute (short black skirt, sapphire blouse and black flowers and feathers in her hair) that people kept asking her if she was one of the models.

Above: The tented runway during the Marciano show.

And then later, my boyfriend and I went back to the event to see the evening's closing show: Zang Toi, whose fashions are seriously statement-making. Sorry for the lack of photos. I didn't get to bring my camera to that one.

Above: Our media passes, aka Golden Tickets. It was fun to feel like a V.I.P. for one weekend. Now, back to the far-less-glamorous grindstone. This month I'm writing an article about a movie that was produced here in Phoenix. More on that later.

All Photos: Sway Sovay

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Monifa, the Baby Pygmy Hippo

I saw this on the morning news and just about snorted my coffee, that's how cute it is.

Scottsdale Fashion Week '08: Friday Night

Last night I attended two SFW runway shows, including the Dillard's fashion show, which consisted of styles presented by Emmy Award-winner Rebecca Weinberg, former stylist for Sex and the City, and also, whom I interviewed for my article.

I wanted to share a few videos that I took ... and I also want to take this opportunity to admit that I now know I suck as a videographer. I apologize for the flaws in quality, etc. Nonetheless, maybe these will interest you.

Videos: Sway Sovay

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Scottsdale Fashion Week '08 Kicks Off

SFW kicks off today and runs through the end of Saturday night.

Tonight is the Wearable ArtWalk, which I'm not sure I'll be able to make. But regardless, that's not what I'm most excited about. What I'm really looking forward to are the runway shows tomorrow and Saturday night.

The PR contact who provided me with an overwhelming amount of information for my article (which is in the issue that came out on Monday! I'm relieved, because it turned out so well!) was kind enough to offer me complimentary tickets to some of the shows on the main runway.

I've never been to a fashion show before, let alone a fashion week, so I'm pretty curious and therefore do plan on attending. I know they're expecting more than 30,000 people to show up, which means there's no doubt it's going to be a dazzling production.

I've heard a lot about this tented, climate-controlled runway (like the one in New York City) that they've added this year. There's going to be drinks and light shows and music and projections ... I will probably go into sensory-overload.

Oh geez ... what am I going to wear?

You would think I would have begun considering this long ago, but for some reason it didn't occur to me until now. What's the word for that? Irony?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It Followed Me Home. Can I Keep It?

I have bought my first car.

Holy crap.

I have bought my first car.

I picked it up last Saturday, actually, but it's just now sinking in, I think. Anyway, it's a red 2009 Toyota Corolla S, and it looks just like this:

I am going to take such good care of it, too. And I know that I can say that and it will actually come to pass, because I tend to be pretty anal about keeping my stuff in excellent condition. (Yes, I am the person who loans you a book and then scowls at you when you return it with the cover and pages bent and the spine broken. Yes, I am that person.)

You know, I remember the days when I believed that it would be forever until I was in a place where I'd be able to afford my own car. Well, it looks like that time has arrived. Kind of makes me feel old.

I feel like the car I eventually decided on is a pretty good compromise of everything I'm looking for at this stage in my life -- a little sporty yet still responsible. And although buying a brand new car has been expensive, I'm confident that, because Toyotas are so reliable long-term, the true cost to own will be much less than if I had bought, say, another Ford Explorer. (E-gad.)

Another thing that I am going to love? The gas mileage. It's amazing how long it takes before that little dial even thinks about moving off the 'F.'

Other bonuses include the fact that I now have a working stereo again. Oh, and also that I no longer have to worry about the bottom dropping out of my Explorer mid-cruise.