Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It Followed Me Home. Can I Keep It?

I have bought my first car.

Holy crap.

I have bought my first car.

I picked it up last Saturday, actually, but it's just now sinking in, I think. Anyway, it's a red 2009 Toyota Corolla S, and it looks just like this:

I am going to take such good care of it, too. And I know that I can say that and it will actually come to pass, because I tend to be pretty anal about keeping my stuff in excellent condition. (Yes, I am the person who loans you a book and then scowls at you when you return it with the cover and pages bent and the spine broken. Yes, I am that person.)

You know, I remember the days when I believed that it would be forever until I was in a place where I'd be able to afford my own car. Well, it looks like that time has arrived. Kind of makes me feel old.

I feel like the car I eventually decided on is a pretty good compromise of everything I'm looking for at this stage in my life -- a little sporty yet still responsible. And although buying a brand new car has been expensive, I'm confident that, because Toyotas are so reliable long-term, the true cost to own will be much less than if I had bought, say, another Ford Explorer. (E-gad.)

Another thing that I am going to love? The gas mileage. It's amazing how long it takes before that little dial even thinks about moving off the 'F.'

Other bonuses include the fact that I now have a working stereo again. Oh, and also that I no longer have to worry about the bottom dropping out of my Explorer mid-cruise.

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