Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Music Sites I Wouldn't Want To Live Without

Could I live without them? Yeah, probably. But I wouldn't want to.

If you're an audiohead, I hope you've already found these, but if you haven't...

Pandora: A kind of online radio station that you can customize to play only the music you like and music it suspects you'll like based upon your preferences. Super easy to use and a great way to discover bands you might have been missing out on.

Pollstar: This site lets you search for concerts by either artist, city or venue. One of my main thrills in life is good live music, so this is a required site for me.

And a true gem:

Live Plasma: A very cool page that will "map" your favorite artists/bands, movies, actors or directors, in order to show you what/who is similar in that same category. It's a bonus that the "mapping" uses really cool graphics.

1 comment:

Agent 31 said...

I just found your page kinda randomly, but, damn... thanks for LivePlasma. That just made my week.