Tuesday, August 14, 2007

O-O-Oprah? O-Oh please.

Has everyone gotten over it by now, or are there others like me who are still asking:

"Why does Oprah have to be on every single cover?!?"

Not that I don't have a deep appreciation for all the money she donates to charity each year, or all the cash and prizes she gives away to her audience members. It's just that I feel like she's sending mixed signals here. The magazine cover situation seems a little self-absorbed if you ask me.

How can this woman perpetually claim to be all about boosting the self-images of men and women everywhere and yet never showcase anyone but herself on the cover of her magazine? Wouldn't a woman who spends so much time and effort supporting racial and cultural differences, etc., choose to use it as a medium for promoting the causes and interests of other worthy individuals?

If you've been asking yourself these same questions, I have good news for you. In an interview published in Essence magazine (Oct. 2003), Miss Oprah said, "When I first started the magazine, people were always saying, 'Well, who else are you going to put on the cover?' And I'd say, 'Well, who's going sell better than I am? You got any ideas?'"

Hm. Good point, Oprah. There's probably no one else on the planet besides you who can promote positive thinking and high self-esteem. Man, what were we thinking?

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