Friday, August 17, 2007

Things That Made Me Laugh This Week

It's been a long week; however, there were highlights:

1.) The people at Dictionaraoke have used audio clips from online dictionaries to "sing the hits of yesterday and today." I've listened to almost all of them by now, and there are so many good ones I couldn't possibly choose a favorite. Go there, right now, and see what happens when karaoke and diction collide.

2.) Jessica Francis Kane's "Adverb Your Enthusiasm" currently found over at The Morning News is very clever indeed. I totally plan on using "Loch Nessily" in at least one sentence this weekend. Seriously.

3.) To be filed away under Things I've Overheard as I Left the Grocery Store: A thirty-something woman on her cell phone: "Well, if your dream isn't to move to Oklahoma and start a pickle farm, then we really need to talk!"

I find this particularly funny since I'm from Oklahoma. And no, I don't know anyone who owns or operates a pickle farm.

4.) Needs no introduction or wrap-up:

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