Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pretty Wild

This show represents all that is wrong with America.

I've watched 10 minutes of it, and it's a trainwreck. Here's a taste of the insanity:

And it gets worse.

Mr. Neiers used to be the director of photography for the show Friends, and Mrs. Neiers used to be an international model. And did I mention that one of the girls, Alexis, may or may not have been involved with the Bling Ring?

This is such a perfect case study in how badly parents can totally screw up their kids. You must watch. At least once. In order to laugh. And then to say, "Man. I sure am glad I'm not as messed up as those people." Unless you are. In which case maybe you can explain to me in what world it's OK for a little girl to have a pole-dancing party for her 16th birthday.

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