Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For a Little Luck

Yesterday I bought this necklace by Satya Jewelry on I was this close to getting a pair of earrings, too, but I'm way too good at giving myself guilt and grief over frivolous spending, so let's just call this necklace a compromise, yes? Yes.

If you'd like an invitation to Ideeli's shopping site, check out the links under my bio on the top left of my blog's page. Happy hunting.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Arrival of the MOO

Yay! My mini biz cards from MOO arrived! Now I'm off to go network ...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This past weekend I ordered business cards from MOO, and I can't wait to get them!

Now that I have a steady freelance writing job (and the hope to acquire several more) that requires me to call on PR reps and other individuals, I often feel as though I should be saying, "Oh, and let me give you one of my cards," at the end of each meeting, but instead I have to go grab a napkin or a Post-It note and scratch something out for them. I figured I'd better just buckle down and start treating this like the real deal and spring for some cards.

I opted for the MiniCards in this package. They'll have my info on one side and a pretty design on the other. I think they perfectly match what I wanted -- professional-looking and fun ... but not too fun. If that makes sense.

Final verdict to be decided after I receive them!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pretty Wild

This show represents all that is wrong with America.

I've watched 10 minutes of it, and it's a trainwreck. Here's a taste of the insanity:

And it gets worse.

Mr. Neiers used to be the director of photography for the show Friends, and Mrs. Neiers used to be an international model. And did I mention that one of the girls, Alexis, may or may not have been involved with the Bling Ring?

This is such a perfect case study in how badly parents can totally screw up their kids. You must watch. At least once. In order to laugh. And then to say, "Man. I sure am glad I'm not as messed up as those people." Unless you are. In which case maybe you can explain to me in what world it's OK for a little girl to have a pole-dancing party for her 16th birthday.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Row Event at Barneys

The bad news: My interview with the twins was canceled. The good news: Simon Doonan asked a photographer to take my picture with him! EEEEEEEEEEE! (I think he recognized me, too, which is good, since this is the third time we've had a conversation. lol.)

There was also a runway show of items from The Row -- everything was black and python skin or wool, because it was their Fall/Winter 2010 collection. And yes, the Olsens did make an appearance right at the end, as is customary for the designer to take a bow at the end of runway shows. And yes, they did pretty much just hide in the doorway for about 4 seconds and then disappear again. But yes, they are sooo beautiful.

What a surreal night.

Also, while perusing the jewelry counter, I discovered the designer Jeanie Payer. Her items are gorgeous! I love that they have inspirational quotes or messages on them. The girl at the counter said she would send me an invitation to the trunk show on May 1, because apparently Ms. Payer herself is coming to town for that one. I am so there!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Design Sponge

I just discovered Design*Sponge. Check it out if you have an interest in interior design and decorating. The images will inspire you.

Monday, April 5, 2010

In Which I Lay Out This Week's Rockin' Agenda

Today. A coworker and I went to lunch at Stax Burger Bistro. It's quickly becoming my new favorite place to grab a burger, because the sandwiches are somewhere between the size of a slider and your standard hamburger. Translation: You can eat two or three of them in one sitting, which means you get to try a few different meats and flavor combos, instead of just one. Plus, so many foods are cuter when they're smaller. Burgers included.

Tomorrow. I'm spending all day with my mother. That will likely be equal parts fun and stress. God help us all.

Wednesday. I'm going to a PR lunch at Modern Steak as work for a new writing gig I just acquired.

Thursday. For the magazine, I'm interviewing Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen regarding their line The Row, and then later that day I'll be attending their event at Barneys New York. They'll be in town for a charity event they're participating in with the Phoenix Suns.

Friday. My boyfriend and I are going to see Muse play at the US Airways Center, and I could not be more excited!

Saturday. Remember that friend of mine who got married about two weeks ago? She and her husband just got back from their Parisian honeymoon. I'm meeting her and all the other bridesmaids at Petite Maison on Saturday to catch up with one another and spare the bride from having to repeat every story about Paris five times over.

Saturday afternoon. I will collapse into a heap -- poolside, preferably -- but not for long, because a writer never really has much time she can afford to not be writing. Well, she can, but let's put it this way -- she'll pay for it.

And with that, I turn toward my word processor ...