Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Was Practically Asking For It

I know that in my last post I was complaining about how work is taking over my life, buuuuuut ... This weekend is a three-day weekend for me, because yesterday our CEO gave us the day off. Praise baby Jesus.

So I will be less whiny in this post, promise.

I've been a little irresponsible lately as far as my computer and all my precious files are concerned. Because even though I've been saving photos, music files and my freelance articles to my hard drive right and left, and even though my laptop is now getting up there in years, I have still, not in the past four years, backed up any of my precious, precious files. I have been neglectful. Which is shameful, because someone like me, someone who works all day every day with computers and has witnessed firsthand more times than I care to remember the tragedy that strikes when computers crap out should know better.

And so, several days ago I ordered a monster of an external hard drive from, and since its arrival, I have been copying, digitizing, cataloging and renaming files like a crazy person.

Time to get my save on this weekend.

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