Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day 2009!

Today Disney premieres its documentary film Earth, narrated by James Earl Jones, and I expect it to be at a fairly high level of awesome. Here's the trailer:

(Click the "play" icon, and then click the little "HD" in the bottom right corner to watch it in high-definition. If you don't have a super-fast internet connection, I would suggest pausing the video for a few seconds to let the high-quality video load before you continue watching it. I know, I know, I'm annoyingly methodical... Copy editor, remember?)

If that short video doesn't make you fall in love with our planet, I don't know what would. To learn more ways you can show Mother Earth how much you appreciate her, visit these sites:

Earth Day Network
Earth 911

May we celebrate our beloved Earth, today and every day!

*Woops! Somewhere back there, did I mention falling in love with our planet and then right after that compare it to a mother-figure? I did, didn't I. Well that's not right. Sorry. You know what I mean.

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