Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pipeline Pros and Cons

Yesterday was a little hectic at work. I'm learning that the managing editors for each city's publication tend to make a big push on Fridays to turn everything in to production before the weekend hits. Production = the copy editors (I'm in that group) and the graphic designers. This is a little frustrating, because it means that they get to return to clean desks on Monday morning, while we (the "clean-up crew," we call ourselves) return to a mass of text and image chaos. I would rather be swamped, though, than be bored, so at least this system guarantees that Mondays will never be slow.

Jobs with workloads that rely so heavily on the turnaround rate of the people before you and after you in the pipeline order of things often mean that there will be a busy day and then a slow day, a busy day and then a slow day. For this reason, I have now transferred season three of How I Met Your Mother and season one of The Big Bang Theory onto my iPod.

I love this job.

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