Monday, April 7, 2008

Finally a Copy Editor

The whirlwind that has been my life the past several days...

For example. Last Wednesday I stayed at work until 7:30. Then Thursday I stayed at work until 12:30. (I suppose then, technically, that means that on Thursday I stayed at work until Friday. Follow?) And then on Friday I stayed at work until 3 a.m. the following day. In short, it was "print week."

I wish there were some way I could sum up the insanity involved, but it might just be one of those things a person will never grasp until he or she experiences it. I hear other situations which apply to this rule include having one's eyebrows waxed; kissing a smoker; childbirth; and being held at gunpoint.

I consider myself to be an above average multi-tasker, but the expectations just got a little ridiculous after the first six hours. (As my friend KT would put it: "Holy. Freaking. Crap.") Fortunately, I like to work under pressure. And fortunately, I still love my job. But honestly, imagine someone has just given you five tasks. Then, as you're accomplishing said tasks, another person gives you five more. Then, 60 seconds later, a third player gives you ten more tasks. Now, imagine that this goes on for hours at a time. Do you see how you're beginning to hyperventilate?

I'm just going to have to be quicker!

On the bright side, we did manage to produce all six magazines by 4 a.m. Saturday. They were printed over the weekend and then they arrived, all glossy-like, via flatbed trucks this afternoon. I have to say, it was a bit weird, a bit magical, a bit comical, a bit miraculous, a bit wonderful to finally hold in my hands a copy of a publication that I had been a part of. A major (MAJOR) life goal was achieved today, and I am so grateful for it! Even if it did deprive me of several hours of sleep three or four nights in a row... (grumble grumble...)

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