Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Car Is Proud of Me, and You Should Be Too

Today I did something I've never done before: I changed one of my tail light bulbs on my Explorer.

You have no idea what an accomplishment this was. Not only because I (embarrassingly enough) know next to nothing about what keeps my car running, but also because it was a freaking nightmare trying to get my hands on those little light bulbs.

I think it must have been The Week to Buy Replacement Tail Bulbs citywide or something, because I went to WalMart and Target a total of three times -- three times -- in order to find the stinkin' things.

My frustration at the drought of replacement bulbs subsided, however, after I snapped the cover back into place and had a successful test. I know this will sound hilarious to anyone who has even a shred of a clue more than I do regarding his or her vehicle, but I'm going to say it anyway: I felt like a total badass.

1 comment:

Eli said...

Congratulations! I totally felt the same way my first time, and the first time I installed a ceiling fan, and don't get me started about changing a tire... It's all easy once you've done it but seems so intimidating...

Sway Savvy?