Saturday, July 31, 2010


 Tonight my life appears to be out of a stereotypical romantic comedy.

Got back at the beginning of this week from Barcelona. Thursday morning the boyfriend left for a one-week vacation in Switzerland with his family. That night I attended the private media event and fashion show for a brand-new boutique in Scottsdale Fashion Square. And tonight I am eating cold Chinese takeout from the box while sipping on a glass of white wine and watching episodes of Gossip Girl while also working on my luxury living column and trying to decide whether or not I want to register for a certain writer's workshop.

HA! When it's written like that it almost makes my freelancing life look exciting, right? What that story leaves out is that Thursday morning I also had to drive into central Phoenix for a "career search resources seminar" mandated by the state unemployment office. I also spent all day yesterday and last night and today hanging out with my parents. Because I'm cool like that. Because that's just how I roll. Because my mom makes a mean Southwestern-style meatloaf. Hey, don't judge.

But, I also spent several hours while I was at my parents' sifting through all my photos from Spain, so provided I get plenty of free time tomorrow, I should be able to post at least a few.

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