Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I Know You Remember That Episode

"No time! There's never any time!"

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed this week.

The good news is that one of the other women I met on my Santa Fe trip is the editor in chief of two magazines on the East Coast, and she's been sending a ton of copy editing work my way over the course of just the past several days. So hooray for that!

The bad news is I have at least one more Santa Fe article to write (but I did at least finish one! Woo-hoo!) as well as soooo maaaaany posts to queue up (for the website I've been writing) before I leave for Spain on Sunday that I'm this close [ ] to banging a hole into the wall with my head. I also desperately want to finish my personal website so that I can start using it as a marketing tool, like a place where I can post all my clips for viewing and my contact information. And I was counting on having all of this week to churn out a ton of work, pack, get the house organized and get any outstanding matters (bills, plans, laundry, etc.) all squared away for me and my boyfriend before I left town, but I just don't think it's going to happen ...

... because my boyfriend and his brother somehow came up with the idea that THIS WEEK would be the perfect time for a visit. So my boyfriend's brother and his girlfriend are driving from Oklahoma to Arizona and will be arriving today. How's that for timing? And it doesn't make sense, because I won't even be able to be here through the duration of their visit, because my flight leaves at 7 a.m. Sunday morning. {Confused, one-eyebrow-raised, palms out and up, face.}

So on top of all the work I have to do in order for my newly self-employed, um, self, to turn over some kind of income, I also had to go to the grocery store to buy $300 worth of groceries (look, boys eat A LOT, all right?) as well as clean the house, do all the laundry, wash all the dishes, tidy up the guest bedroom, etc. etc. and so on, and so on, and so forth, ad nauseam.

I mean, seriously? Men are the worst schedulers. They usually mean well by it all -- and the conflicts are mostly innocent, but still. STILL.

Oh, and I should mention that apparently he (my boyfriend) isn't taking any time off from work while our guests are here, so I hope they don't mind watching me work around the house tomorrow and Friday morning, because even though god knows I love them and will be happy to see them, I will not have time for much beyond setting out the chips and salsa and handing them a map of Phoenix. :)

AND, I have a networking lunch this afternoon in Old Town with a woman who runs a fashion blog here in the city.

I can't even think about how much I'm looking forward to Spain until I'm at the airport on Sunday. Then I'll let myself be "so excited, I'm so excited."

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