Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, It's Back to Work I Go

I started freelancing at the beginning of this year. Fortunately, I'm not (currently) depending on it to account for all, or even a majority, of my income; I just decided it would be fun and education to try, so this year is the year I tested the water and finally got my feet wet in the freelancing pool.

As you can see from my totals at the left, this is not a huge moneymaker for me. Yet. But I'm trying. And I've been putting just enough pressure on myself to be productive, but not so much that it's become a pain in the neck. I'm having a good time with it and enjoying the fact that I can occasionally say, "Hey! I wrote that!"

My goal for each month has been to earn at least as much as the previous month, if not more. Through March I did pretty well at that, but last month my full-time job took up more time than usual. And that's OK. I have to remind myself that anything I make freelancing is pocket money.

All right, so I had one bad month. This month I'm going to try to get back to the grind and get closer to my goal.

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