Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Knitting That Never Was

A few weekends ago, I resolved to tidy up my knitting corner in our office. I planned to divide and conquer in three hours or less, bagging like yarns together, organizing labels from used skeins, reclaiming good yarn from bad half-finished projects, and disposing of some bad finished projects altogether. Of course, I had planned to photographically document the whole process for posting here -- and I did start to take photos as I went -- but after a short while, it became clear that the whole ordeal was just too pathetic.

As a result of my investigation into what was lurking in my knitting basket (tub? the thing is huge), I discovered three or four heinously ugly (but well-knit!) scarves that I will be begging some charity to take off my hands, as well as two winter hats and a striped sleeveless top sort of thing that will absolutely have to be incinerated because it's so ugly.

Other findings included what was supposed to be a knitted headband that turned out to be more the size of a bonnet (ye shall always knit a gauge swatch), about a billion bajillion random buttons, all sorts of little stringy scraps of cotton, wool, acrylic (shudder), silk and cashmere, AND ALSO some mohair yarn with like, glitter or neon sparkles woven into it. Yikes.

Not only were the items too sad to photograph, they're things I never want to have a visual reminder of ever again, so I did the logical thing -- I deleted the photos I'd started to take and then put the camera down. Because after all, friends don't let friends post bad knitting pictures. And at the risk of sounding like I have multiple personalities, I'll say I'd like to think that I am my own best friends. Er, friend. I meant friend. Singular.

On the plus side, the experience did jog my memory of what good-quality yarn I still have left that I need to use. And as I was sifting through the piles, potential projects started to come to mind. The knitting bug seems to hit me about once every two months, so I guess I'm due for another bout with my needles.

Stick around. You never know what tragic thing I'll knit next.

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