Friday, March 19, 2010

A Few Words About Last Saturday

Last Saturday was a long day for me. It began at 5 a.m., when my boyfriend and I had to wake up in order to drive out to Surprise (that's the name of the town) to work from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. with Habitat for Humanity, organized through my boyfriend's company.

When you volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, if you're only committing to one day of work, it means you will be assigned to a house that could be at any stage in the building process -- framing, drywalling, painting, etc. We were there on a drywall day, so for about seven hours that Saturday, I was measuring, cutting and nailing the stuff.

Have you ever worked with drywall before? Each time you cut it, or break it, or sometimes even when you nail it, it gives off a white powder. I had it in my hair, in my nose, in my mouth. In fact, I didn't feel so well for the rest of the day, because I kept coughing and felt like it was in my lungs or something.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that when we showed up to the work site, the lady told me I didn't even look like I was older than 16. I politely laughed a little, smiled at her and shrugged it off, and she did the same. But then suddenly stopped smiling and looked me square in the eyes and was like, "No. Really. How old are you?" Whoa, lady, calm down. "I'm just about 26," I said. Then it was my turn to look at her all crazy. She apologized and acted awkward ... it was gratifying.

Side Note: This marks the second time since I moved to Arizona that a person has thought I was under 16. The first time, it was a cop -- or maybe just a really, really attentive security guard -- at Desert Ridge Mall, and that was three years ago. I know it can't be that I don't age, but I'm 5 feet, 3 inches, so my guess is that this is just the result of the rampant height profiling that takes place here in the state. What a shame. Someone should take a stand.

Anyway, I digress ...

After we finished up at the work site, around 3 p.m., my boyfriend and I dashed back across town to get home so that I could put myself back together in time to make it to the bridal shower/bachelorette festivities of my friend who is getting married tomorrow, and for whom I will be a bridesmaid in the ceremony.

I got there at 5:30. The bridal shower, which had been scheduled from 3 to 6 p.m., was just winding down, and apparently the girls had already made quite a bit of headway on the champagne bottles. At 6:30, we drove over to a restaurant called FEZ for dinner.

After we finished eating and paid the bill, the maid of honor had scheduled a limo to pick us up and drive us around town. So from FEZ, we went to SideBar, where I had a martini called a White Rabbit that was absolutely delicious ... And then to Blue Martini, where the bride's band (she's the female lead singer) plays every week (it is such a fun place!) ... And then to a sports bar called Catch 22, where my friend's band actually was playing that night, and so she couldn't help but jump up there and sing a few songs for her male counterpart so that he could take a break.

And then, suddenly, it was 1:30 a.m. (weird how that happens), and a very tired, very grumpy boyfriend was picking me up. Anyway, I slept like a log that night, to say the least.

Today I'm fulfilling more bridesmaidly duties. Salon with the girls, venue prep, rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, etc. It should be fun. But it's also going to take all day, so I took off from work. And yet ... I am currently sitting on my bed, laptop in hand, working anyway. (Exporting files takes forever when accessing our server remotely. So naturally, I'm using the waiting time to blog and slowly sip copious amounts of coffee.) Darn me and my responsible self. Oh well. If you want something done right, you have to just do it yourself, right?

Regardless of the fact that I have to finish some work before my day gets started, it's so far a beautiful day here in Arizona. I've been watching the sun come up over the Valley, and it makes me feel happy and energized. It's going to be a good day. And a beautiful weekend for a wedding.

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