Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Twilight Vortex Has a Strong Pull

Damn. I told myself I wasn't going to let this happen, and yet here I sit -- one more individual who has been sucked into the "Twilight Zone." (And even though I have just now typed that cheesy, cliched and overused phrase in order to reference my situation, so help me God, I will never utter it again, nor write it here, nor anywhere. I promise.)

Oh, Stephenie Meyer and Stephenie Meyer's agent and the publishing company and all the marketing departments and all the book stores across the nation... Oh how they have woven a tangled web, and so many of us are falling right into it. Oh, they have been so sneaky.

When I started seeing Meyers' books showing up in every bookstore I visited, it was impossible not to notice. After all, they look so chic, with their glossy black jackets and single-image covers. So sleek, so seductive. Eventually I had to pick one up, read the back, then go "hm" and set it down again. "Sooo..." I thought. "Vampires? Really? Wonder how that's gonna work out for them."

And then, there were even more books -- three more, in fact, and people started calling Meyers the next J.K. Rowling and the Twilight series the next Harry Potter craze.

Despite my admiration for Rowling and my enthusiasm for all things Harry Potter-related, I doubted (and still do) that this vampire series could ever reach the same level of success. However, as time goes by, I have slowly been able to admit that this whole Twilight mania is at least a thing.

So much a thing, that they made the story into a full-blown feature film. (Boy, can I call 'em or what? My bad.)

Let me tell you something about myself. Somewhere, someone decides to take a book and turn it into a movie, so they make the call to the production company, and simultaneously, at that very moment, a little bell goes off in my head, meaning that 1.) I have to see the film. And 2.) I have to read the book before I can allow myself to see said film.

Which brings me to my point.

Yes, I now have the compulsion to see the Twilight movie. And yes, I have to read the damn books first. (Or maybe at least just the first one.)

And yes, I ordered all four of them from a few weeks ago. And yes, they have arrived -- just in time for Christmas break, during which I will be knitting various odds and ends for family and friends, as well as reading like a fiend.

Sigh. I have a problem.

But at least I can admit it, right?

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