Thursday, January 28, 2010

Notes from Today

1. Clinical-strength deodorant is far superior to the regular kind. The regular kind is dead to me from now on.

2. Receiving two movies at a time from Netflix makes my boyfriend far happier than receiving just one. Far, far happier.

3. Sometimes, a pie crust just isn't available on a day I want to make quiche. But on those days, I should just make it anyway, because you know what? It's going to be OK. Sometimes a girl's gotta go crustless.

4. My Starbucks travel mug can keep my tea hot (and then satisfyingly warm) for up to 8 hours. Eight! I know this because I'm drinking a mug of tea I made at 5 p.m. today. It's almost 1 a.m. now and I'm still trying to finish it.

5. I drink tea very slowly.

6. Green tea doesn't really taste very good after 8 hours.

7. When I have to stay up late to work, I must always be drinking a warm beverage. (This is true even in the summer. Even in the summer in Arizona.) It helps me think.

8. When I have to stay up late to work, past a certain point, I am too lazy to make a fresh warm beverage.

9. Sometimes, to get something done, you have to just stay up all night and, like, you know, do it.

10. To willingly submit to sleep-deprivation may very well be one of the most genuine signs of sincerity a human being can offer the world.

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