Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where the Hell Was Matt Harding?

Have you heard of Matt Harding? Scratch that. I mean: Have you seen Matt Harding dance?

In 2003, Matt and a friend took a trip through Asia, during which a video was made of Matt doing his signature jig in front of various landmarks. Eventually, the video was posted online, where a multitude of people found it and declared it very amusing.

Some of these amused people worked for Stride Gum, a company that called Matt up and asked him if he'd like to take another trip around the globe (expenses paid) and be videotaped doing his little dance.

In 2006, Matt danced on every single continent, in 39 countries, in a six-month period in order to make the video for Stride Gum.

In 2007, Matt took one more trip around the world for Stride Gum, and this time, he invited other people to come out and dance with him. The finished video is below. For additional video clips and outtakes, visit Matt's page on YouTube.

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