Saturday, May 3, 2008

Scarlett Johansson "Sings"

I definitely like to give people credit for putting themselves out there in the public eye and being brave enough to open themselves up to criticism. But let's face it, sometimes we have to know our limitations.

On that note...

Scarlett Johansson has apparently put out an album. Now, I like her and her work well enough. But I'm not sure what "her people" were thinking with this one. In her single "Falling Down" (a cover of the Tom Waits' song), I could swear she is singing the same note over and over again. And also, I have to comment on the song's video's "storyline," where the camera follows Scarlett around for a whole day, where she frowns a lot as she is having her hair and make up done, attending meetings and receiving flowers from adoring fans. Hasn't the "feel sorry for me because I'm famous" bit been played before?

And while I do believe that it must, honestly, be a very unique challenge to being so recognizable everywhere one goes -- and sure, oftentimes probably very lonely -- I also believe that playing the pity card in these situations only, unfortunately, annoys people. It's like if a really skinny girl keeps going around and complaining that she "just can't seem to gain any weight! Ugh!" I mean, people are eventually going to tell her to shut up, right?

Anyway, I'll let you judge for yourselves.

I still like the girl, and I will still go to the theater to see her movies. But I'm just not sure I could ever sit through a whole album of that.

Scarlett's album Anywhere I Lay My Head will be released May 20.

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