Sunday, March 23, 2008


I recently began my new job as one of three copy editors for a national magazine headquartered in Scottsdale. A few notes...

Virtually every person in the office is between the ages of 20 and 39. Each morning I instinctively wonder "Where are all the grownups?" before I realize a second later: "Oh. That's supposed to be us."

Some on-the-job altercations can apparently be resolved via Wii boxing matches.

We have an entire refrigerator stocked with Red Bull. I don't even drink Red Bull, but I think it's interesting that someone routinely coordinates this.

One of our graphic designers told me that his job has destroyed his appreciation for porn. He said that now when he watches porn all he can notice is bad camera angles, poor lighting and inconsistent editing.

I think this job is going to be an interesting one.

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