Saturday, October 20, 2007

What Did You See Today?

Today I am remembering a vacation I took to San Diego this past spring. My parents, my sister and I spent an evening on Coronado Beach. And it was still a little too chilly to get into the water, but we had a fine time just watching the waves come in. My mother remarked that she loved the ocean so much because it was a thing that never looks the same way twice. It's always different, she said. Always evolving.

I agree with her. The ocean does change continually, and it certainly never looks the same way twice. But personally, I feel the same could be said for any other thing in this world.

I want to view the world with a new pair of eyes each and every day. I don't want to assume I already know all there is to know about a blade of grass, or a particular building, or a mountain, or a person. I want every thing to always look at least a little different to me, day after day. I want to continually find things I hadn't noticed before. I don't want to say, "Oh, that's a tree," and then go on with my life, satisfied that I'm sure I already know what a tree looks like. I want to know what is different about that tree. I want to make new perceptions each time I see something.

I guess it all comes down to the element of surprise. I never want to stop being curious and learning about what's out there in the great wide world. I never want to stop making sweet little discoveries.

Photo: Sway Sovay

1 comment:

Richard said...

sway wrote: I never want to stop being curious and learning about what's out there in the great wide world. I never want to stop making sweet little discoveries.

That is exactly how I feel. But the world seems to conspire hard against us.