Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive

Hi. I'm still here. I've just been busy. And sick.

Last week most of my free time was eaten up by freelance assignments (not that I'm necessarily complaining!), which left little time for blogging.

As I mentioned in my previous post, one of these assignments involved me running around, trying to chat up security guards and Cricket Wireless Pavilion personnel in order to ascertain details on a certain celebrity's appearance in Phoenix last Thursday evening, none other than...

Miss Jessica Simpson.

You can tell that's her, right? Barely? Yeah, I didn't have a lot of time to snap high-quality photos, as I was scribbling down every word this woman spoke.

Highlights included... Let's see...

Well, she tripped and nearly fell while singing "You're My Sunday," but recovered herself.

Tony Romo was not there. (I can't believe lack of presence counts as a highlight, but I was still asked to report on it.)

And oh yes, before launching into "Remember That," Jessica said, "… In love, we all go through a lot of things, and a lot of things unfortunately make us stay there [in the relationship]. No matter what you go through in life, no matter what abuse you go through, take your heart and run so far away."

Looks like the latter is what was agreed upon to be most "newsworthy" in the Internet universe.

The original write-up based on my report is here.

A list of other sources -- including MTV, Yahoo, VH1, and E! Online -- that picked up the info and are also reporting on it can be found here.

Seeing it splattered all over the net, it's kind of bizarre for me to know that I was the one responsible for putting that quote out there. I mean, I know she said it, but this time I was the tiny cog in the celebrity PR machine that made the whole thing move forward.

Weird feeling.

Here's a snippet of video (poor quality) that I took while I was there:

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