Thursday, June 23, 2011

When One Door Closes, The Next May Or May Not Slam In Your Face

In the weeks since the scenario mentioned in one of my most recent posts, in which I discuss losing a client I was previously writing online articles for, I've managed to pick up two new clients.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that, combined, they won't be paying me a whole lot more per month than my former single client was paying me. Although, the work will not be as constant. So I guess I should look at it as "a little more money for about two-thirds the work," right?

Meanwhile, I keep plugging away at my fitness instructor training. I just found out this week that the goal is to have me on the schedule as an instructor beginning in August -- which gives me about a month and a half to pysch myself up for that. Kind of nervous about all of that, but I'm sure it will be fine once I get rolling.

Also, as far as my financial earnings goal for 2011 is concerned ... We're halfway through the year, and I'm coming up about $3,000 short of where I want to be for my yearly earnings. But I'm fairly confident I can make that up throughout the third and fourth quarters ...

I tell you what ... never did I imagine, when I was an undergrad, that the business side of freelancing would be so involved. But it is, and I don't mind it. As long as the companies eventually pay me!