Saturday, February 27, 2010

Miniature Things and Homes

This week I've been digging small things.

(His name is Rupert.)


And especially these tiny homes:

Now doesn't that look cute and cozy? All I'd need is a way to boil hot water for some daily tea, several good books and lots of pens and paper -- or would it be too much to ask for an internet connection? Ah well, either way, I'd be happy.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sway's Weekend Music Pick: "Feeling Good" by Muse

Monday was my boyfriend's birthday. I got him tickets to see Muse when they come to town in April. He's excited, I'm excited, and I imagine Muse is, too. Today's pick appropriately honors all that.

Enjoy Muse's version of this classic, which they played at their famed Wembley Stadium show.

And have a rockin' weekend!

Monday, February 22, 2010


On Friday, my boyfriend and I jolted awake in the middle of the night to horrible unearthly chattering sounds just outside our window. It sounded like a small child frantically crying out in pain or something. It was weird. It was disorienting and terrifying. But I knew at once it must be the aliens, finally come to invade the earth, starting with our home.

However, as I started to legitimately wake up, #1) I remembered where I was and what kind of creatures lived around us and #2) I realized that there was nothing we had that the aliens could possibly want -- except for maybe our recent shipment of wine, but we'd already drank most of it by then, and don't you think the aliens would have found a far superior way of knowing that already?

"It's the coyotes," my boyfriend muttered before rolling over and throwing his pillow over his head.''

"Is someone murdering them?!" I shout-whispered at him.

"I don't think so." (Barely audible through the pillow.)

"Are they murdering someone?!"


A while later, the chatter died down, and I was finally able to fall back asleep without thinking of the Discovery Channel-worthy animal attack which had probably taken place just outside my bedroom window.

Living in Oklahoma, I heard coyotes all the time, but I always heard them howling, never yelping to the point that they sounded like they were screaming like this. It was eerie.

I listened to several audio files and videos to see if I could find an example for you, and I think this video comes the closest. You cannot imagine how loud and weird this is going on right outside your window.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year 2010

This past weekend marked not only Valentine's Day, but also the beginning of the Chinese New Year. Being half Cantonese myself, I've been looking forward to our local festival.

My family and my boyfriend visited the Chinese Cultural Center in Phoenix last Saturday to enjoy our little piece of the weekend-long celebration. There were rows of white tents offering everything from trinkets and wares to clothing, snacks and candies. There were even large, beautiful koi fish swimming in large barrels, all for sale -- some for as much as $500 each. And, of course, there were some interesting martial arts performances.

Before we left, we were able to witness the traditional Chinese Dragon Dance, which is meant to bring good fortune to the people. In Chinese culture, the symbolic dragon is to be feared, but is also considered to be very gracious and noble, and therefore, is revered.

Here are some snapshots of the festival.

Photos by Sway Sovay

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Most Overused Romantic Comedy Cliches of the Decade

It's Valentine's Day weekend, and you know what that means. The rom-coms will be rolling. For some extra fun, check out this post by Irin Carmon for so that you can start calling out the cliches yourself. Maybe you can even make a game out of it. Something like Valentine's Day rom-com bingo.

Personally, the category that makes me roll my eyes the most is a tough call between "Time Travel" and "Falling in Love with the Help," but "My Best Friend's Wedding" will somehow get me every single time. Sneaky writers!

Sway's Weekend Music Pick: "Slow Life" by Grizzly Bear, feat. Victoria Legrange

I've decided to do this new thing where I post a song I like every Friday.

I apologize for not being able to find a video that's more interesting than this freeze frame from New Moon for this week, but this vid's sound quality was the best.

This song has been on heavy rotation in my car and around my house. It makes me feel mellow and puts me in a calm mood. I hope you like it, too.